iCommute SF Lite By AppTight, Inc.

Real-time prediction data for the SF Muni for FREE!

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Know before you go! Never wait for the bus stop again! Completely updated with the Dec. 5th Muni route and configuration changes. >>New>> Real-time updater feature to get the latest Muni changes in real-time without ever having to make updates through Apple again. - iCommute SF Lite provides instant access to live real-time arrival predictions so your right on time, every time! - Available for the Northern San Francisco Bay Area transit lines across SF Muni and BART - Unfamiliar with an area? Get near by stops based on your GPS location to get you to the closest stop fast! - Integrated Area Maps to scroll to the closest stop based on your current location. Great for newbie’s, visitors, tourists and those making the most out of public transportation. - It’s FREE!

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